This Basil Peach Moonshine cocktail is an absolute winner.
I just love creating easy and delicious moonshine cocktails from the comfort of my home and this particular moonshine drink is atop notch!
Truly, a real winner for all the porch sippers out there!
Enjoy a Basil Peach Moonshine cocktail

And of course, this specific peach moonshine recipe wouldn’t be the same without my favorite Ole Smokey and Climax Moonshine brands.
I’ve added 5 slices of infused peaches which make for a booze soaked treat to indulge in!
The basil does a great job of rounding out the sweetness by giving the cocktail an added taste of freshness.
This Basil Peach Moonshine (you can also call it Peach Lightning) is a strong contender to my Cherry Pie Moonshine Smash recipe that you can read more about here.
It’s another delicious moonshine cocktail for those of us who can no longer stomach straight shots.
Interested in other whiskey-inspired drinks?
Check out my popular Whisky Cherry Coke Smash made with Crown Royal.
What exactly is Moonshine?
I grew up in Kentucky, so when I think of moonshine, I think about it being an old-fashioned home brew that’s really strong.
You know, the kind you might see stored in an old brown jug that’s made from an old family recipe that’s been passed on for generations.
And frankly, some of the stuff is so strong some of it’s not even legal – or even fit for polite consumption.
And to be clear, it is illegal to make homemade moonshine.
You have to have a special license from the government to make it here in the US.
However, we recommend leaving the moonshine making to the experts at the distilleries and those with the requisite licenses.

What does moonshine taste like?
You take a sip, or as we called it a “swig,” of this stuff and my goodness, it can really burn going down if you’re drinking it straight.
It kind of feels like fire.
And I think that’s why they also call it “white lightening.”
That’s why I also like to call this drink “Peach Lightning.”
So the old school, homemade moonshine was basically an un-aged whiskey made from corn mash that was strong as an ox.
You know, the kind that might cause you to grow some hair in places you didn’t expect.
No, not really. I’m just kidding.
But if you have sampled someone’s super strong home brew, you know what I mean.

There are distilleries making moonshine available now
Moonshine has become more and more popular these days.
So I’ve started to create delicious Moonshine-inspired drinks from straightforward ingredients that you probably already have at home or could easily buy from your local store.
I mostly make use of Ole Smoky for their flavored moonshines and the Climax Moonshine brand at the moment.
It’s currently my favorite brand of non-flavored moonshine.
Climax Moonshine has a quirky backstory from an interesting man who has become a well-known personality among moonshine enthusiasts.
I also really like the flavored moonshines made by Ole’ Smoky too.
A lot of people have gotten more and more interested in making cocktails with moonshine as distilleries have started making a lot of yummy flavored moonshines.
And of course, there’s a show on Discovery channel, aptly named “Moonshiners” that has drawn a lot of attention to the drink.

So what’s the difference between Everclear and Moonshine?
Both Everclear and Moonshine share something in common – they are both unaged and really strong.
But the real difference comes from what they are made from.
As we discussed above, moonshine is made from corn mash.
But Everclear is a grain based alcohol.
So when you see recipes for homemade moonshine made with Everclear, or another grain alcohol, as the base, know that these aren’t truly moonshine recipes.
That doesn’t mean that those DIY flavored moonshine recipes aren’t good.
In fact, some of them taste really, really good.
I find that a lot of people really don’t care about the nomenclature.
Especially since the result is a home brew that will knock your socks off.
But if you’re a connoisseur, knowing the different recipes and ingredients matters.
And frankly, using the Everclear in a homebrew is a work around for those who can’t make it legally at home because of the regulations we previously discussed.
Since Everclear is commercially available, it’s an alternative for those who like to mix up some yummy moonshine drink recipes.
But for this recipe, we’ve worked with a commercially available moonshine and made a yummy moonshine drink made with the real stuff!
What’s good to mix with moonshine?
For us, that answer is peaches! It’s a favorite of ours!
But I suppose you’ve figured that one out by now.
But really, we love to mix up fresh fruit with moonshine.
Berries, cherries, apple cider… you name it.
If you can make a pie filling with it, it’s going to taste good with some ‘shine.
There’s just something about balancing the moonshine with a touch of sweetness that really hits the spot.
The sweetness helps to kind of mellow out the moonshine.
We also like to mix moonshine with Coke.
Kind of like a Jack and Coke, but a bit stronger.
It works great with fruit juices too.
A classic is to mix it up with grapefruit juice or orange juice.
And no one would blame you for mixing it up with some lemonade.
And since I grew up in the south, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that it’s really good with a big ol’ glass of sweet tea.
But today, we’re talking about moonshine and peaches.
- Peach slices – we used the peaches from Ole Smoky Moonshine Peaches
- Basil leaves
- Moonshine – we used Climax Moonshine
- Optional: Peach flavored Moonshine, we used Ole Smoky Moonshine Peaches
- Simple Syrup
- Ice
To make the drink, you will need a cutting board and bar knife (if using fresh peaches), a measuring cup or jigger, a measuring spoon, and a cocktail shaker.
I like to combine both plain moonshine (2 ounces) and peach moonshine (1 ounce) in this recipe.
But if you only have plain moonshine, you may use that for all three ounces of moonshine.
Note: If peaches are in season, it’s great to use fresh peaches.
You may want to muddle them a bit to help them release their juice.
However, if fresh peaches aren’t available, you may use canned peaches.
If using canned, you may substitute the syrup from the can or jar in place of the simple syrup.
Alternatively, you may use the peaches that are already infused in Moonshine like the ones you can get from Ole Smoky.
Can I make this peach basil cocktail without alcohol?
Yes, but it’s going to be a bit more like a sparkling peach drink.
It won’t resemble this drink since the moonshine has such a strong flavor profile and the moonshine is the primary liquid.
However, if you have kids or if you’re serving those who don’t drink alcohol who would also like to enjoy a lovely peach drink, omit the moonshine, and replace it with club soda.
We like using canned peaches in the mocktail.
They are already a bit sweeter, and you can substitute the simple syrup with some of the heavy syrup from the can or jar.
If you’re using fresh peaches, start by slicing them and removing the skins.
Next, fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice.
Add the peaches, 3 of the fresh basil leaves, and the simple syrup to the shaker.
Shake it a few times to mix everything up.
Pour the moonshine into the cocktail shaker and shake it thoroughly – about 30 seconds for a really good shake.

Pour it into your beverage glass.
I don’t strain this drink because I want the peaches and basil leaves to come into the drink.
I like for the fruit to have a chance to infuse.
But if you don’t like your drink to have the pieces of fruit and basil leaves, you may pour it through a strainer over fresh ice.
Garnish with a slice of peach or two and a fresh basil leaf and enjoy!
More great drinks made with whiskey to enjoy:
Blueberry Whiskey Corpse Reviver
Crown Royal Whisky Sour Apple Cocktail
Guinness Whiskey Cream Cocktail
Blueberry Whiskey Corpse Reviver
Blackberry Fireball Whiskey Fizz
try it and share!
Please let us know how you enjoy our Basil Peach Moonshine Cocktail recipe.
If you make it yourself, please let us know on Pinterest that you tried it and tag us with #champagneandcoconuts on your Instagram photo.
If you haven’t had a chance to make it yet, be sure to save the recipe on Pinterest so you’ll remember where you found it.
This recipe was originally published on June 2, 2020 and was updated December 26, 2021.

Basil Peach Moonshine Cocktail
- Cutting Board
- Bar Knife
- Measuring cup or jigger
- Measuring Spoon
- Cocktail Shaker
- Beverage Glass
- 5 peach slices
- 4 basil leaves; one for topping
- 3 ounces moonshine 2 ounces moonshine, 1 ounce Peach Moonshine
- 1 tablespoon simple syrup
- Ice
- Place peaches, three basil leaves, and simple syrup into the shaker. Give it a few good shakes.
- Add in moonshine and ice. Shake well and pour into serving glass.
- Top off with basil and serve.

Hi, I’m Jennifer. I love to cook and entertain. I have a lot of fun sharing traditional food and drink recipes as well as putting a new spin on the classics. I strive to provide easy to make recipes that are perfect for the home cook, bartender and entertainer.
Refreshing combo and gorgeous drink. Perfect for the season.
Just in time for peach season. I love any new cocktails I can get my hands on and this one is a keeper!
The presentation to this Cocktail itself makes me feel so perfect. Love that it is Peaches. Delicious seasonal fruit option. I love it. Perfect drink for a perfect evening.
What a super refreshing cocktails. I love peach and basil together.